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Christmas Shoebox scheme 2023 a total of 397 have been packed into cartons for onward transmission

Its all about the cost of transport
contact Us at the top of this page and the last date for us at Bishops Waltham for receiving filled boxes is the 31st October
So lets make a start, have a look at this video which explains how the box should be assembled decorated and filled. Copy and paste into your browser


The 2022 Shoebox appeal has been going well this is the last week, ( todays date is 7th November) so Wednesday of this week is the last day for us to receive them.
The new boxes which are smaller than most have received mixed reports, mainly Can't get as much in, not easy to wrap so that it can be opened. Most have not wrapped the boxes but put stickers or decoration to the box. 


The 2022 shoebox project has started already with a dramatic change, we can supply the boxes! Contact us via the 'contact us' button above. More information keep reading..

Bishop's Waltham Rotary Club News… August 2022

Rotary Shoebox scheme…Summer is over…Roll on Christmas

Sitting here in the sizzling summer heat of August and plans for this years Rotary Christmas activities are already underway, most notably getting things in place for the annual Shoebox scheme which this year will hopefully bring a bit of Christmas cheer to the young children of Romania, Moldova, Montenegro, and Albania. Plus, this year the many displaced children from Ukraine, in Romania and Moldova, will also benefit and, some of the boxes are going direct to Ukraine with the help of Rotary clubs in Romania.
 The major change for this year is that we are able to supply boxes produced specifically for this project. It has been increasingly difficult to obtain shoeboxes from shops and the variation in sizes has given us logistical problems…BUT we will still accept your own standard size shoebox. The suggested donation per box has unfortunately been increased to £2.00, which covers the cost of the box and transportation - which has obviously increased over the last year. 
As this goes to press we do not have the confirmed date for when the Shoeboxes need to be returned, but we normally work on having them in, coinciding with the week after the School October half term. If you would like to support us this year please contact Paul Chesterman on paul.chesterman@bishopswalthamrotary.org.uk, who will be able to supply you with the new boxes or any other information needed.


Children receiving their shoeboxes in 2021

IMG 20211109_194018_1Checking cartons for banned items

The 2021 Shoebox appeal is completed for this year, with local schools taking part, also kind members of the public had taken leaflets to fill their Christmas Shoe Boxes. 

If you would like to take part and fill a Shoe Box in 2022 that will be sent to Children in Albania, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania or the Phillippines in time for Christmas, 

 contact us here

IMG 4770

The inside of the Bournemouth warehouse.

Packing boxes into age range cartonsPacking boxes in to age range cartons

This year we collected 321 Christmas boxes from many sources including, to name a few; Swanmore Primary, Swanmore College, Waltham Chase Pre-school and many from the public and members. These cartons will be delivered to a collecting warehouse at Bournemouth Airport for transport onwards.

.The boxes had to be shoebox sized, approx 30x18x15 centimeters which is the maximum size. 

Ages 1-3, 4-7, 8-11 and 12-15 were catered for. 

Last date for receiving boxes at Bishops Waltham was the 1st November. 

Battery Powered items War related toys and items Large items of clothing Books of a Religious, Political or Racial Nature Liquids of any kind Sweets of any kind Medicines Large Toys Sharp Items

PS, If you would like to become involved in the project next year or join us at one of our meetings, please contact us. Click here

Pete Yeoman

Some of the boxes collected from various places including schools prior to packing in Large Cartons


Packed and ready for delivery 2019

Packed shoeboxes ready for despatch

